Saturday, June 25, 2011

some polka dots i spotted -er, googled...

Okay fine, they're NOT polka dots. They're power pellets.

Last Wednesday, Google changed its logo to mark another significant event (the summer solstice) and this reminded me of my most favorite Google doodle, the playable Pac-Man game that replaced the usual Google logo on May 21, 2010 to commemorate Pac-Man's 30th anniversary. I had so much fun playing the game like I used to in the 80's - with the arrow keys (somehow, I can't seem to score as high on my iTouch. Eeep, does that show my age?).

As I was searching for the event that Google Pac-Man logo was celebrating, I found out that it cost the worldwide economy millions of man-hours that day - haha! I also came across this article in The Telegraph where I discovered that if you clicked the insert-coin-button twice, you could play a two-player game! With one player taking the role of Miss Pac-Man and controlling her with the W, A, S, D keys! I was mighty dismayed when I found out that I missed out on the 2-player opportunity (with Ms. Pac-Man at that! Aaackkk!)...

... until I discovered the Google Pac-Man logo is still accessible and playable here! What fun!

And how fun are these other Google doodles?

Discovery of the X-Ray (November 8, 2010)

 Samuel Morse's birthday (April 27, 2009)

Sesame Street's 40th Anniversary (November 2009)

I love that Cookie Monster's eyes form the letter O's. And the bites on the cookie letters! Hehe.

Of course, The Count gets numbers as his Google letters!

Les Paul's 96th birthday (June 9, 2011) merited an interactive Google logo that allowed users to play ten notes on the electric guitar (which he pioneered) by hovering the mouse over the guitar strings.

This doodle was not only playable, but also recordable by clicking the little button. Jammers not only got a playback but Google also provided a sharable link. Since the web was flooded with recordings of songs Google users played on it, Google decided to keep this doodle alive here. See how your songs compare to the greatest hits from the Les Paul Google doodle here.

Total Lunar Eclipse (June 15, 2011). As I was writing this post, my son spied this logo and exlaimed, "Transformers Dark of the Moon!" One-track-minded, isn't he?

 And how can I write a post on Google logos without including this one made especially for us on June 12, 2010?

You'll find these photos and more on Google Doodles.

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